
Do I need a maturity assessment?

Many organisations don’t fully understand their cyber security posture, business risks, and how to address them. It is like a game of Jenga, waiting to see which block will cause everything to collapse.

Performing a cybersecurity maturity assessment on your organisation can have significant business benefits. These can be categorised as:

Improved communications and collaboration.

It’s a little-known fact, but a cybersecurity maturity assessment can facilitate better communication and collaboration between your organisation and your clients regarding cybersecurity.  By clearly understanding the organisation’s security measures, clients can make informed decisions about the level of risk they are willing to accept, leading to more effective collaboration on projects involving sensitive data.

Aligned Vendor Expectations:

If your organisation expects vendors to have a certain level of cybersecurity maturity, it’s crucial to ensure that your business meets these standards.

A cybersecurity maturity assessment can help identify gaps in your cybersecurity posture that may be overlooked, such as those related to internal processes, systems, or employee behaviour.

Cost savings:

Identifying and addressing cybersecurity weaknesses before they lead to data breaches or other incidents can save organisations significant money.

A cybersecurity maturity assessment can help businesses avoid the financial and reputational costs associated with cybersecurity incidents, which can be particularly important when dealing with client data.

Proactive risk management:

Undertaking a cybersecurity maturity assessment allows organisations to identify and address potential weaknesses in their cybersecurity infrastructure.

This proactive approach to risk management can help reduce the likelihood of security incidents, which can be especially important when dealing with sensitive client data.

Pre-emptive Action:

A cybersecurity maturity assessment allows your organisation to identify and address weaknesses before they are exploited.

This can save significant time, money, and reputational damage from a breach or other cybersecurity incident.

Business Continuity and Resilience:

A cybersecurity maturity assessment can contribute to business continuity planning by ensuring your cyber infrastructure is resilient and can recover from potential incidents.

This can help minimise downtime and ensure critical business operations continue even during a cyberattack.

Improved Vendor Relationships:

By conducting a cybersecurity maturity assessment, your organisation can demonstrate to its vendors and partners that it takes cybersecurity seriously.

This can enhance your relationships with these entities and give them greater confidence in your ability to protect shared data and systems.

Regulatory Compliance:

Depending on your industry, your organisation may be required to demonstrate cybersecurity maturity to comply with regulatory standards like ISO/IEC 27001, CPS234, Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Essential Eight, NIST, Australian Privacy Principles, Notifiable Data Breach Scheme, Security of Critical Infrastructure, Australian Government Information Security Manual, Protective Security Policy Framework, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or the Defence Industry Security Program.

A cybersecurity maturity assessment can ensure you meet these requirements and avoid potential fines or penalties.

Strategic Planning:

Understanding your cybersecurity maturity level can inform strategic planning. For instance, it can help you prioritise security investments, develop future initiatives, and set achievable goals for improving cybersecurity.

Streamlined vendor evaluation process:

By completing a cybersecurity maturity assessment, organisations can effectively demonstrate their cybersecurity posture to clients and partners.

This can help streamline the vendor evaluation process, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the organisation’s security measures, making it easier for clients to assess the associated risks.

Competitive advantage:

A strong cybersecurity posture, backed by a cybersecurity maturity assessment, can differentiate an organisation from its competitors in the eyes of clients.

Demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity can help build trust and credibility, potentially leading to increased business opportunities and customer loyalty.


In conclusion, while a cybersecurity maturity assessment requires an upfront investment of time and resources, it can yield significant long-term benefits by streamlining the response process to third-party risk assessments, improving customer relationships, and enhancing your overall cybersecurity posture.

Our cyber security experts are here to help

We work with businesses of all sizes to help them identify, and then manage their cyber security risks.