
Incidence Response

Disaster Recovery and Incidence Response

Cybersecurity incidents are part of everyday life for businesses today. How do you recover from a disaster, (Flood, fire, theft, ransomware) or address the requirements for Incident Response, (breach, human error, ransomware or third-party attack)?

Understanding the difference between both of these and having appropriate controls in place to address these is paramount.

While it may seem that a single document covering all possible scenarios is going to save time, it can make the situation more stressful when a large complex document has to be stepped through when staff are stressed dealing with a security emergency

Having 2 shorter documents allows staff to perform the steps that are needed and the shorter documents can easily be amended if updates are required

Having an Incident Response Plan is now more important than ever.

Hackers today use sophisticated technologies and ever-changing tactics to either steal valuable information from businesses or make threats and demand ransom payments. Human error can also play a part in this issue and there are companies of all sizes having to deal with the clean up after there has been a data breach.

What Is An Incident Reponse?

An Incident response can be defined as a set of actions that can be taken to deal with different types of security breaches. These types of events, also known as IT and security incidents, and must be managed to reduce recovery time and costs. A comprehensive incident response plan is needed to mitigate risks and be prepared for the broadest possible range of events. This is a set of procedures and actions to be taken when a security breach is discovered. Having an incident response trained staff member must ensure a consistent approach and that none of the steps outlined are omitted or this can be outsourced to a cyber security company who can step in and help a small business manage an event or data breach. Another crucial task is to find out the source of the problem to avoid future similar incidents. Lastly, it is essential to regularly update the incident response plan to ensure that it reflects evolving cyber threats and current needs of your infrastructure. Having a cyber security company managing your security will keep your reponse plans up to date and staff trained to carry out the steps.
man checking incidence response report

IT and security teams often always see eye to eye as risk management and compliance teams, but they need to work togehther to the risk management world to create better IR, and DR plans to deal with cyberattacks. For this reason, DR and IR planning should fall under the same umbrella and be worked on together. When dealing with the different types of incidents that an IT organisation faces daily, it is essential to have processes in place to analyse incidents and make informed decisions about response and mitigation. The types of incidents where an IRP comes into play include data breaches, denial of service attacks, firewall breaches, viruses, malware and insider threats. These types of incidents are not necessarily significant catastrophes, but they can quickly become substantial catastrophes if not responded to quickly and acted upon appropriately. By supplementing manual incident response with automated manuals, organisations can reduce the burden on security teams and respond to many more security incidents more quickly and effectively.

Uptodate Incident Response Plan

The following are the main reasons why you should have a robust incident response plan:

Our cyber security experts are here to help

We work with businesses of all sizes to help them identify, and then manage their cyber security risks.